Monday, February 25, 2013

Tale of a home made Pizza

A conversation with my 6-year old after I served him a fresh home made pizza.

Me: So you think it's better than the little Caesar's pizza?
He: Mom, I am telling you this one last time. Anything you cook is way better than what we get at stores.
Me: You know what to say to make mom happy, don't you?
He: So where did you get all the ingredients from?
Me: Whole Foods.
He: Nice. Whole foods is never going to go out of business.
Me : :-)
He: Can I have more.
Me: You already ate more than half of it. But you can have a piece.

I cut out a small piece from the pizza half and he reaches for the other piece. That's my son!

1 comment:

  1. :D !!!!"Mom, I am telling you this one last time. Anything you cook is way better than what we get at stores." Thats not the last time he is going to say that .. is he ? His poor wife :p
